Urban Caring: bed´n´wishes

3 pm – 5 pm Urban Caring: bed´ n´ wishes
conversation(s) in the garden bed// A Garden Mani-Fest(O)
with Habet Ogbamichael (Treffpunkt in der Schokofabrik) and Ani Lachnitt

Where: Streitbautenzelt

In the spring of 1981, architects, artists and activists occupied the empty former chocolate factory of the Greiser&Dobritz company in Kreuzberg and founded the association „Frauenstadtteilzentrum Kreuzberg-Schokoladenfabrik e.V.“. The group consisting of about 40 women* joined forces to develop other living and working contexts in their immediate neighbourhood*, SO36, and to bring together various projects for women* under one roof. The meeting point in the chocolate factory is an ongoing initiative which, in its beginnings, particularly offered language courses and literacy courses for Turkish-speaking women*, and in the course of time has become a place of solidarity, security and empowerment as well as a place for tutoring for many girls* and women* between the ages of 13 and 26.

On the basis of our encounters with the girls* and those responsible for the meeting point, we invite you, together with our interlocutor Habet, to share and shape your experiences, knowledge, visions and practices in urban spaces of security, resistance and solidarity. Along horticultural, food-political, economic, social, artistic and city-planning questions, a queer, botanical bed of desire emerges. In the words of the Green Guerillas from New York:IT´S Your City. DIG it.