Some Kind of Nature – Screening and collective storytelling
Friday, June 15 at 7pm
Video-Conversation about Some Kind of Nature (Tejal Shah, Video, 2015) with Friederike Nastold
The artist Tejal Shah creates worlds that are at once utopian and dystopian: familiar knowledge and ways of perception are disrupted supposedly known categories falter: the boundaries between woman* and man*, nature and human, sun and moon lose themselves in a poetic visual landscape. In each collective conversation with Shah’s work, for example the video “Some Kind of Nature,” we enter into Shah’s dense mythic stories and explore to what extent story telling may become productive as a queer strategy. How are stories appropriated? How is history rewritten? How are dualisms challenged and woven into a collective Oceanic?

The artist and activist Friederike Nastold studied Visual Art and German Language and Literature in Mainz and Granada. Founding the interdisciplinary public program TOYTOYTOY, which raises questions around the topics of gender and feminism, became the work of her final thesis. She finished her artistic Master Class with Prof. Dr. Andrea Büttner in 2016, and started her doctorate with Prof. Dr. Linda Hentschel on the subject of queer pornography. Friederike Nastold organizes vulva workshops, speaks at international conferences, and is active in the collective OrgaOrga. Since 2017, she is a research associate with the Kunsthochschule Mainz.